How to Pass Data from One Activity to Another in Android

នៅក្នុងមេរៀននេះ អ្នកនឹងរៀនបញ្ជូនទិន្នន័យពីសកម្មភាព(activity )មួយទៅសកម្មភាព(activity )មួយទៀតនៅក្នុងប្រព័ន្ធប្រតិបត្តិការ Android ដោយមិនប្រើ intent។

Basically we can send data between activities in two ways.

  1. Using Intent
  2. Using Global Variables

Below I have discussed both the methods in detail.

Note: There are some other ways like shared preferences and database (sqlite) but here I have shared only those ways that don’t involve saving of data.

Method 1: Using Intent

We can send data while calling one activity from another activity using intent. All we have to do is add the data to Intent object using putExtra() method. The data is passed in key value pair. The value can be of types like int, float, long, string, etc.

Sending Data

Here I am sending just one value, in the same way you can attach more values by using putExtra() method.

Retrieving Data

If the data sent is of type string then it can be fetched in following way.

There are several other methods like getIntExtra()getFloatExtra(), etc to fetch other types of data.

Below is the example of passing data between activities using intents.


In this example a message is passed from first activity to second when a button is pressed.




Method 2: Using Global Variables

We can declare a global variable in a separate class. To make it global just declare it as public static. This will allow us to directly access the variable anywhere in our application using its class name.

Just assign the value that you want to pass in global variable inside source activity and fetch it in destination activity by accessing the global variable.

Below example shows how to do this.


The code for activity_first.xml and activity_second.xml will be same as above example.

Comment below if you have doubts or know any other way to pass data from one activity to another in android.

អត្ថបទបន្ទាប់ អត្ថបទមុន